Hi, my lovely peeps,

I wanted to give you a heads up on a new contest I’m running right now. If you’d like to win a snarky t-shirt– view t-shirts here –all you have to do is go to the home page on my website and sign up for my mailing list. (red button, top right of the page). After that, send me an email at, put CONTEST in the subject line, and let me know which t-shirt you’d like, the size you’d prefer and your mailing address. On Friday, the 8th, I’ll randomly pick 5 lucky winners, who’ll win the t-shirt of their choice! Stay tuned and sign up for my mailing list because more contests are coming!

Thanks in advance for participating and good luck!



  1. Brandi achmidt on June 4, 2018 at 1:23 pm

    Trying to find the place to fill out mailing information from my android phone but cant find a red button for the contest. Thanks

  2. Deborah LeBlanc on June 4, 2018 at 2:10 pm

    Hi Brandi,
    You’re going to need to sign up on a desk top. Not sure why the sign up doesn’t show up on mobile devices. Checking into that.

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